Heaven and the Afterlife old

Heaven and the Afterlife: Angelic Visitations, Near-Death Experiences, and the Loving Presence of Jesus. What Lies on the Other Side? A True Story.

Click here to buy. Available now!   What lies on the other side? In this true story, Kathy Carmichael details her experiences so that you may share and learn from them. Imagine being given the opportunity to meet with Angels, Saints and Jesus face-to-face. Imagine watching the recently-passed step through the Pearly Gates. Imagine knowing that if you ask, God and Jesus can be an intimate part of your life. Reading about these events likely will change you and your life forever. Angelic Visitations, Near-Death Experiences, and the Loving Presence of Jesus. Wires and tubes were connected to almost every available space on Kathy’s body as she lay in her hospital bed awaiting surgery. In the days leading up to her illness and then later post-surgery, Kathy experienced incredible supernatural events. She has been tasked with sharing what happened to her with you. In this inspiring spiritual journey to Heaven and back, you will learn more about blessings, miracles and the generous love and understanding available to each of us. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” ~ Psalm 46:1 Have you had a near-death experience (also known as an NDE)? Has an angel ever brought you a message, protected you from harm, or visited you? Has your soul ever been transported to Heaven? This book explores events such as these, and you will learn you are not alone. You don’t have to be religious in order to have had similar experiences. Although, once you have experienced them, you may come to a deeper and abiding love for God and humanity. It’s likely you will no longer have as much fear relating to death or dying. It’s possible to slumber knowing that one day you will awaken in a far better place. Heaven is a real and beautiful realm. This volume also includes bonus material such as: Thinking About Heaven: Reader Questions Map of Near-Heaven and parts of Heaven Meaningful Scripture and Quotes Photos relating to Kathy’s life and hospital stay Foreword by John Carmichael   Link to The Afterlife Blog


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September 10, 2020