My Blog

Twitter Ask A Romance Writer Day!

Today is Ask an Author Day on Twitter! Here's the hashtag: #askromancewriterYou can find me at @kathycarmichaelAuthor Joann Ross posted the list of participating authors and more details on her blog.Please come and ask your writer or reader questions to any of us 🙂

Too Happy to Sleep

I woke up way too early this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, all because of a lovely review of HOT FLASH by reporter Juliane Draper, Tampa Books Examiner. She also interviewed me in a separate article. This was such a lovely surprise because I've been stressing...

Do You Cry At Weddings?

Tomorrow (Wednesday, June 24) I'm guest blogging on the IMHO Blog, hosted by talented author, TJ Bennett, about weddings. Please come join the discussion, post, and register for a chance to win a guest basket! And tell me if you cry at weddings or at the happy endings...

TARA Day Workshop with Sue Grimshaw

Last weekend, I arranged for Sue Grimshaw, Borders' Buyer, to come speak to TARA. Afterwards, we had a multi-author booksigning. Everyone had a great time and I think you'll be able to see this from the photos I'm posting 🙂 -- KC

Multi-Author Signing June 13, Tampa Borders

I'm going to be signing copies of HOT FLASH, along with some incredible authors signing their summer reads as well! If you're in the Tampa area on Saturday, June 13th, please join us at the Borders Books, 909 N Dale Mabry from 2-4 pm! Authors include: Virginia Henley,...

I’ve been AWOL

Things have been a bit chaotic in the Carmichael household, and I have been incredibly busy. I have photos to post of book signings, conferences, graduations. I have new reviews of Hot Flash to post. I'm so behind. I will return soon, though!In the meantime, here's a...

Are you an author of clean reads or inspirational books? If so, please contact Kathy if you'd like to schedule a blog post.

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