My Blog

New review for Diary of a Confessions Queen

I just found a lovely review for Diary on the website. Here's a snippet:Diary of a Confessions Queen is a good mix of humour and mystery. Filled with crazy characters, it is action packed and at times a laugh out loud read. ~ Joan Burton,

Blogging on Magical Musings about the waiting game

Just a quick note to let folks know I'm blogging on Magical Musings today. My topic is what to do while you're waiting to hear back from an agent or editor. Please stop by! I'm happy to answer writing related questions! This is a great site. If you haven't visited...

Release Date, New Contest, Action Interview!

Today is an especially exciting day for me.Diary of a Confessions Queen is officially released today! Yay! Here's a short blurb:Confessions writer Amy Crosby has put her life on hold for the last seven years after the disappearance of her husband, Dan. In writing for...


I’m really excited about a fun project the folks at Medallion Press and I have been cooking up. And now I can tell everyone about it! I would very much appreciate it if you would share this with others. Medallion Press on Blog Talk Radio will be airing a radio play /...

Starred Review from ALA – BOOKLIST

Pictured above is me at my local library, holding the Booklist Romance Top 10 List which featured my last book, Hot Flash. I'm having some serious love for Booklist!The great folks at Medallion Press sent me a copy of the advanced review from the American Library...

Are you an author of clean reads or inspirational books? If so, please contact Kathy if you'd like to schedule a blog post.

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