My Blog

Happy New Year!

I'm sending good wishes to each and every one of you for a wonderful, fantastic, awesome and seriously fabulous 2011!Happy New Year Animations provided by

And Now They Are Seven!

Some of you may know that my son Ian and I made a mad dash to Dallas and back last week. My sister and her husband adopted four children and the court date came up too late for us to fly. So I picked Ian up at college and off we drove, making it in only 2 days. The...

5 Star Red Adept Review of Angel Be Good!

I woke up this morning to a wonderful Christmas treat as my son and I are getting ready to drive back to Florida from Texas. Lynn aka Red Adept reviewed ANGEL BE GOOD on her fabulous blog this morning. If you're a Kindle user and you don't subscribe to her blog, you...

Angel Be Good on Kindle Nation Daily!

Here's the link to the Kindle Nation Daily free sample of Angel Be Good 🙂 Please check it out!I'm excited by this new banner for Angel Be Good. What do you think?

Are you an author of clean reads or inspirational books? If so, please contact Kathy if you'd like to schedule a blog post.

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