Kathy Carmichael Seminars and Talks
Kathy Carmichael is available to speak on a variety of topics, including those on the articles page of her website.
Some of her workshops include:
Libraries and Women’s Groups (non-writers)
- Why Romance
- Make Me Laugh—comedy and humor in novels and movies
- Why Some Fictional Characters Are Unforgettable
- Women Know the Difference Between Reality and Make-Believe
- The Power of Hope, Optimism, and Hot Flashes
- Making It Work—Birthing a Business While Birthing Children
- Charles Dickens and Today’s Bestselling Authors—Commerical Fiction or Classics
- Playing To Your Strengths—Turning Your Talents Into Income
Multi-genre Writers
- Writing the Fiction Synopsis (1 hour or 2-hour hands-on—includes blurb writing)
- Writing Effective Endings
- The pitch and the query (includes quick pitch creation—the perfect workshop to get members ready to pitch to an editor or agent)
- Plotting
- The First Three Pages: What works, what doesn’t—hands-on critique
- Choosing the Right Point of View
Romance Writers
- Writing the Short Synopsis (1 hour or 2-hour hands-on—includes blurb writing)
- Writing Effective Endings
- The pitch and the query
- Plotting
- Sexual Tension
- How to Make a Good Manuscript Great
- Choosing the Right Point of View
- Elementary: Working with Adverbs and Adjectives
- Secondary: On being a professional writer and the business of writing
If you don’t see a topic, please check with Kathy because she may have a workshop available that isn’t listed above.
For more information, contact Kathy by email through her site.